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An inspirational storey

 Blog storey

Established person

Then at som stage pensive.

Strong will to do something for native people.

Politics one way.

There lots of issue.

Ultimately fight from basics...reform day by day.

Year by year..pace by pace.

Data Science expert report for native land and one of the economically strong state gujrat.

A comperative study data report.

Two professional of data science prepared.


Land Acquisition


Organic farming


Shared with village people.

Soil salinity testing...

With the help of pusa institute.

Starting of packaging factory.

Bhumi pujan..

Agricultural employees of farm and bottling plant employees will be owner of 0.0002% share of establishment.. dividend accordingly.

Export license.

Sweets of Bengal(like Haldiram store) and organic farming fruits and grapes farming..

Own farming land.

Other surrounding land owner s- "shared know how and farming techniques... including soil testing..

Taking quality fruits from them for foreign UAE, USA, Germany...

Quality premium Wine factory (not liquor ) for export to European and peninsula....brand cordial

On extension and established small units for wine bottling at North eastern states india...

Already Meghalaya starts little pungent taste bottled drink of gooseberry, plum juice etc.

After 3 to 4 year as an independent candidate from that locality....

For the development of that part of the state.

With Flying colors to parliament.

There   historical comment...

Only ideology never feed..unless we work.

Comperative  study of the state development now and then

With data science.

Future progress of the state...

With that govt moves and offer as either governor or chief minister.

The beginning.....


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