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Anatomical research on schizophrenia

 For my topic popularity, this photo kept on top. Anatomical research on schizophrenia The back bone or Major structure cervical to lumber…C1, C2, the maximum. Accordingly, L1, L2, the maximum The maximum bone construction is same as face bone(.  ) Also nasal septum and ear drum(...) Now the way our body is..our central nervous system run along…backbone The way we think, concious or sub concious it carried to required place or organ to work. In a signalling system encode decode is old as of now in 2022ED. But when we upload a packet we accept to add few more signal to reach it in its proper or upto it's proper location to reach and decode. The uncoded signal we accept as residue. —---------- However, whether evil or good the spirit is concern i just describe already these are the residue of our forefathers we are carrying as our body system works. It's a mist like thing which cannot overcome geo Magnetism.  In medical science we adopt it as hereditary now as gene carrier ...

ফিনিক্স- আবার উড়বে

ফিনিক্স একটি রূপকথার পাখি। স্বরচিত কবিতা আবৃত্তি শুনতে উপরের এই লিংক ক্লিক করুন। ****************** ফিনিক্স- আবার উড়বে আবার উড়বে কবে ফিনিক্স আগুন রং নিয়ে দিগবলয়ের সাথে মেশা রামধনুর ছটা ছড়িয়ে। ******************************* আবার উড়বে কবে ফিনিক্স এই আশা নিয়ে চাইবে না কোনও মা ভিক্ষে  কোলে শিশু নিয়ে পথের পাশেই জীবন আর ফুটপাথে আঁচল বিছিয়ে। আফগান ভিয়েতনাম  ম্যানিলা ******************************* আবার উড়বে কবে ফিনিক্স এই আশা নিয়ে সুবুজের দেশ হবে চিরনবীনদের দিয়ে। দেবে না বৃক্ষ অকারণ প্রাণ তোমায় অক্সিজেন দিয়ে তোমার উড়িয়ে দেয়া কালো ধোঁয়া অক্লেশে টেনে নিয়ে। ******************************* আবার উড়বে কবে ফিনিক্স ডানা মেলে দিয়ে নদী বইবে আপন বেগে  দুধারের সভ্যতার উপর না রেগে নেবে না প্রাণ দুঃস্থের সম্বল কানাকড়ি যা ছিল জমা ছোট্ট আশা নিয়ে। ******************************* আবার উড়বে কবে ফিনিক্স মেঘের ভেলা ছুঁয়ে  থাকবে না বিষের নিশ্বাস ছোট্ট মেয়ের সর্বনাশ কেড়ে নেবে না কোনো হাত  তাকে বাবা মায়ের  কোল ছিনিয়ে । ********...

Three Eternal theories

Dear readers,  I am not a fool to publish my theories again in Amazon Kindle. Last publish 2022. Deleted by Amazon Kindle 2022. With a tricky email when i enquired later on also Dave aware of fact. Three theories are: 1.  The Eternal Revolution Theory  earlier published 16 Aug 2022. Helps to determine North of any celestial bodies in universe the ultimate. 2. The Eternal impossible Theory  earlier published 06 Apr 2022 It talks about earth orbital traverse thereby any celestial bodies in universe the ultimate. 3. The Eternal Magnetism Theory  earlier published 14 sep 2022 It talks about compressing the magnetic flux for traverse a distance controlling the magnetism effect of any celestial bodies in universe the ultimate. And surprisingly Amazon Kindle drop my account without any privious notice  due to the Content Guideline violations in regards to books submitted through your account whose interior content cannot be read and are not coherent, on 28 sep 202...

Nicotine tabacco dependency and water floss

 Nicotine tabacco dependency and water floss Long long time back when i was in my teen age i opted nicotine in the form of tabacco. Now, if i look back, it was my days were   in hurry. I have to run for school, home tutor and musical class, then my writing skill or attitude. Most of the time during adolescence time we meet puberty syndrome like voice mature, acne and above all IBS irregular bowel syndrome- part of which is constipation. Tabacco was a relax for bowel movement. I a country like India scenerio not been changed till date. Shops and at the same time fine and different public notice reflect it. Another thing paan- the bottle leaf, goondi- made from tobacco and snuff, and gudakoo widely use in Odisha and others all over India and neibouring countries also. We need to fight and think in this way only. Tabacco relief. 1. Bad odour in mouth. 2. Bowel movement. We made lots of rules, fines, treatments and above all literature, style based film news. Smoking and othe...

Mars Not Only Keywords of my Topic

Mars Not Only Keyword of my Topic… [GRAVITATION-CURRENT ELECTICITY-OCCULT-SPACESHIP-MARS] For the simplicity of the topic let us understand with current & Electricity, which is obviously a chapter of Physics also. We have Chemical- Battery and Hydrogen fuel converter as of now Thermal- coal and other/Turbine Hydro- water/ Turbine Solar- The Sun Wind- Air flow/ turbine Magnetic- flux cut Mechanical- from impulse cycle Nuclear- from radio active Natural current- Thundering         N/S N     composite metal     S         N/S This in an arrangement in a vacuum tube then oscillation occur…   like Diode move in a coil without extra electricity. Now current categorise as Direct, indirect and pulsed direct current That’s a problem for Me as well as Occult. I want to categorised it as Produced current / Natural current. Produced current can further subdivided into Direct Current, Alternating C...