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Mars Not Only Keywords of my Topic

Mars Not Only Keyword of my Topic…


For the simplicity of the topic let us understand with current & Electricity, which is obviously a chapter of Physics also.

We have

Chemical- Battery and Hydrogen fuel converter as of now

Thermal- coal and other/Turbine

Hydro- water/ Turbine

Solar- The Sun

Wind- Air flow/ turbine

Magnetic- flux cut

Mechanical- from impulse cycle

Nuclear- from radio active

Natural current- Thundering


N    composite metal    S


This in an arrangement in a vacuum tube then oscillation occur… 

 like Diode move in a coil without extra electricity.

Now current categorise as Direct, indirect and pulsed direct current

That’s a problem for Me as well as Occult.

I want to categorised it as Produced current / Natural current.

Produced current can further subdivided into Direct Current, Alternating Current and no way to escape it is pulsed current.

Natural Current from Thundering as well as pressure different under deep sea level or ocean level as top or the top of Mountains. This current we cannot differentiate as of now.

Because Water and Cloud is medium. Say sun is there The High altitude. If we cross that distance without any known physical media like Air, Cloud then also we get deflection. It is not possible to measure for we the human being but we can calculate it today.

For this we have to look at the creatures. 

Why I have written like this like something unusual mixed-up manner.

Now the big big [Twice] issue is induced current.  Physics says current is flow of electron… that requires a conductor.

While current is there in a conductor, if I say precisely as of now, then the electricity measure outside conductor is induced current.


With all my avail knowledge including most taunted worldwide that is Google search engine though there are other search engine…. you know now as day It is worldwide fashion in common that if we talk anything out of syllabus or printed in books then we are a google professional. If it is medical science then Google doctor like that… If we talk about Yoga from Google then Google Baba. However, what I believe Yoga is the lifestyle of our predecessors. There is no standard Book possible for that. Yoga for all. That means… all the creatures doing Yoga. Its Nature and our Nature that is ourselves which compel us to maintain a lifestyle worldwide. That is Yoga.

The more classification the more complex… for new civilization I am framing the days. So, I accept all as Yoga, if we are the oldest history keeper on this Earth. Yoga may be accepted as that while I shall be on MARS.

If you say No anymore, I shall go deeper into the sea that under water medium the lifestyle of creatures and under Air medium the lifestyle of creatures…is not it a shame for us with little little [twice] groups with little modifications. How far we can do with our Body, Mind and Soul… [in my topic please accept the soul has gone for long indefinite vacation].


Oh, there is another lifestyle apart from water apart from Air medium. Now few if I….

If I can do Yoga in space-ship, will you tell this as Yoga or further classify.

If I stay in a space-ship and can-do gardening whether it comes under my hobby…as of now it is research of course, in future who can say.

If I go for hibernation in space-ship what you should consider…me as my spacetrological sign is Snake as like Chinese Astrological sign till now survive.

Spacestorlogical trying to form a new variant [oh covid again I remember] of astrology there in space ship.

Hopefully we already cultivate radish in spacestation, (not spaceship) some more next come up and few more will be coming up during research.


Now My Null dollar [as no one can pay for this thinking] that If gravitational pull 9 to 10 on Earth, then Space-ship Nil or negligible as of today.

I suggest Spaceship Board must have a system to generate magnetism… as you know there are so many types of magnetism as of today for the research purpose only, we have classified.

generate magnetism…so that We can walk over there as normal as on earth while we move on Mars.

That’s why induced current etc I talked about.

But why I want a produce pull on our body mass like Earth in Space-Ship. Because Nine months we require to move to Mars. That is our travelling time or journey period is nine months.  We can walk like Earth and if there is any Gravitational pull difference in other planet then gradually, we can set ourselves before landing there. Our brain is a superb governor for ourselves. 

But before that we all need to accept there should be an Internationale standard of lifestyle as code of conduct…otherwise most of the people will fight with different ideology and there will be regular chaos.  Brid sings well we never say birds’ quarrel.

EDUCATION NEW STREAM- as per international standard lifestyle.

Therefore, first let us think who will move there. Then determine a new educational course under sustainability worldwide same course material including day to day lifestyle…its not academic thing only while I am using sustainability.

It is like residential school concept…

How to generate Produced Pull like Gravitation pull on our body mass- hints only I have discussed above.  I have my own theory, all other may develop theories for Gravitational pull in Spaceship…as per our comfort level.

Addenda : a big spaceship is really issue to launch from ground. Ocean and sea also waves there...also overcome gravitational pull is big fuel consume.

Therefore, it is obvious we have to work for a spacestation designed to travel as big spaceship. Perhaps following steps:

1. Space Station

2. Propelled for orbital jump added in space.

3. Checking gravitational pull inside artificially mechanised.

( It's something like air-conditioned outside whatever temp inside whatever outside inside is accordingly in between 9 to 10)

4. Also digital window which gives a pleasant feeling according to duringt biological clock of the space traveler on board travel outer space where darkness outside.

5. And it has know end to add facilities...

Ultimate, i am very tiny your BADHAN. But i think, it will be then only fruitful when we become one nation worldwide 

To train our next generation- please appoint your few hours  to think about it!

Giggle : “The meaning of Produce is multiplication outcome perhaps or Produce is manipulation outcome to me product which I have Sell Value.”

BADHAN from India

DMS Lat: 26° 39' 4.3848'' N
DMS Long: 92° 47' 1.7268'' E
14 th Day of Month August 2022AD

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