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design My House

How I have design the plan of My HouseFriends! I am on again. Those who has read my earlier blog knows that………….. I Love Technology. Now let us mind the business.

If you are planning to have a house or a flat you need to take care of some points. Usually what we do search the web for a readymade plan, go for approval and try to construct with the help of masons and Labours under Self Supervision. Self Supervision is not bad as you know better about your requirement and ultimately you are the user. Being an Engineer what I feel, that if you want to supervise yourself the following things are the Matter.

The main views of your house plan are that

All the Room Should be well ventilated,

well lighted,

Free from the nest of termite, ants etc.

Free from Cockroaches, Mice.

And your House should be well sanitized .

Apart from the above it should be Earth Quake resistant and water proof.

For earth Quake resistant and Water Proof I will tell you to consult an Engineer or expert professionals.

I Shall just discuss about Plan. However, some tips will be given at the end for water proofing. Here I shall tell you How To Plan Your Own House.

For making my house first I have measured the Land Area available to me ie, The available Area after deducting the Space as per Building Bye Laws As per the Local Municipality.

In my case, it is 10’ [Ten feet] from the main road in front side and 4’ [four feet] on the other sides. After deducting a clear Land I got 50’ x 72’ ie 3600 Sq. Ft [ Square Feet].

Then I calculated the family member, their present profession, possible development in the professional field in future & (Preferably in next 25 years) their chances to be live in this building, Nature of Living ie Regularly or just during vacation and finally their habit of Living.

Then, I have calculated the furniture and other belongings which I shall continue in use and measured them.

Say, A bed of Size 7’ x 6’ ( length x Breadth)

An Almirah of size 4’ x 2.5’ x 12’ (Length x Breadth x Height)

A Table 6’ x 4’ (length x Breadth)

Calculated the Area on Floor they will occupy ie. Length x Breadth

For Example,

Bed + Almirah + Table

(7’ x 6’) + (4’ x 2.5’) + (6’ x 4’ )

42 + 10 + 24

76 Square feet.

Then I have calculated the standard Room Area

Room Area Say For Bed Room 12’ x 14’

Living 12’ x 16’

Kitchen & Dinning 10’ x 12’

Toilet 4’ x 4’

Bath Room 6’ x 4’

Toilet cum Bath Room 6’ x 8’ like that.

For me it was 2 numbers Toilet cum Bath Room , so I have Taken [2 x (6’ x 8’)] . Its all Total a

Bed Room 12’ x 14’ x 1 No=

Living 12’ x 16’ x 1 No=

Kitchen & Dinning 10’ x 12’ x 1 No=

Toilet cum Bath Room 6’ x 8’ x 2 Nos=

After considering the standard sizes I calculated How many bed Rooms and Toilet-Bath I needed It depends on the users.

You can add up a Study Room with a Library, or a Seller to Store wine at one corner of Dinning Hall or an additional Room for worship or meditation (which should wall apart from Toilets & kitchen preferably last part)

For my case it was only a

Living cum drawing Room= 12’ x 18’

A Bed Room= 12’ x 10’

A Kitchen= 10’ x 8’

A pair of built in cabinet= 4’ x 2’ x 12’ each (as per requirement)

Two toilets cum bathroom= 6’ x 8’ each. A total of (1 x 12’ x 18’ + 2 x 4’ x 2’ + 1 x 12’ x 10’ + 1 x 10’ x 8’ + 2 x 6’ x 8’)=

Then I had a meeting with the family member where they had expressed their views and requirements. Also Suggestions- This is important because perhaps you will be the owner but not the only user.

Then I plotted the Rooms in my computer with accurate sizes. After a little exercise (this you may do with pencil on tracing paper, if you have that much time and patience or else see a competent engineer not a contractor or view of your mason) I got my plan final.

The idea & views expressed in the family meeting tends me to think for future extension. So, I though for a second storey building.

Dear Friends! Please Note the following while you think for your house:-

I. Don’t go for a big plinth Area / Plan area, Roughly it is the Sizes of the Rooms plus the wall thickness. For your convenience, if the Room Size 10’ x 12’= then plinth area.

(10’ + 10” + 10”) x (12’ +10” 10”)

(11’8” x 13’8”)

10” for wall thickness.

You will ask, what will happen if more than one room ie two or three adjacent rooms. Just measure the outer to outer dimension (Length x Breadth) in your plan and multiply roughly you will got your plinth Area. (Search in web for more details).

My point was don’t go for bigger Plinth Area instead you can make a two storey building or more with a lesser plinth Area which is less expensive.

Moreover After construction the maintenance is more for bigger plinth Area.

Continued to Part 2

Added from my Facebook comments:

সবাই কিছু না কিছু বলছেন তাই প্ল্যান সম্মন্ধে কিছু বলার আগে আপনাকে অভিনন্দন, যে আপনি নিজে চেষ্টা করেছেন।
এবার একটু চারপাশে ঘুরে দেখুন দুভাবে।
এক প্রত্যেকটা বাড়ী আলাদা করে দেখুন, যেটা আপনি নিজের বাড়ি বা বাড়ির প্ল্যান তৈরি করার সময় থেকে করছেন।
দুই আগের মত রাস্তায় ঘুরে দেখুন যে আপনি ঠিক কি দেখেন সাধারনত।

আর প্ল্যান ভালো কিনা তা জানতে হলে আপনাকে পড়শীর বাড়ী height distance, drainage, sewage এবং পারলে ওদের যদি ফিউচার এক্সটেনশন প্ল্যান আছে সেটা amicably জিজ্ঞেস করে নিজের প্ল্যান করবেন।
আর আপনাকে জানতে হবে রাস্তা এবং পার্কিং।
Local air flow direction কি সেটাও জানতে হচ্ছে, কারণ আপনার বাড়ির সামনে উঁচু জমি বা উঁচু বিল্ডিং থাকতে পারে।

নাহলে হাজার ভালো প্ল্যান করুন দেশের সবচেয়ে বড় architect দিয়ে প্ল্যান করান কোনও লাভ নেই।

আর হ্যাঁ বাড়ী তৈরির সময় পড়শীর সাথে ঝামেলা বেশি হয়। তা হলে তো দু বাড়িরই মন খারাপ হবে।

চেষ্টা করুন নিজেই পারবেন ভাই।

This is the idea from which I have developed skeletons (structural part) of a building model and implemented while developing new extensions model of Rhino Museum- one of the heritage building just approaching Rilbong Point, Shillong..
That may come up in near future..already under process.
The extn part is not structurally connected to the existing building which is 90 years old with shell roof rather we can say barrel roof.

As I have done officially so didn't made public so far....

Now things are in advanced process so, requested by Friends to publish it...

Here, a 3d snap.

3d model long-shot


skeleton view for structural design and development.

Happy Engineering.......!

My Grandfather Ramlal Bandopadhyay whose Photo when I did enhance with Artificial intelligence tool, Today, the 21 July 2024 AD.
Ramlal Bandopadhyay 

Ramlal Banerjee 

Ramlal Barujje


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