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Why I Love Technology.

Today I thought let me write few on love. When It uses in conversation or in a sentence it attracts ad create sensation also. You may feel boring with this Lecture, So !!!

Let us see how Love sells in the present Market:

1. LOVE GURU: You will find your solution on Love.

While Contraceptives Sellers uses this.

3. LOVE MONEY MAKING(TRANSACTION): Now a days smartphones has comes into the market. IR facility not there. My sister work in mobile shop. She gifted me one China made smartphones with game Monalisa Photo Matching Gionee company another one made of USHA was with her..I thought made in India but it was not. My writing become serious again....
TV news going on some one burnt currency and grab by police....I dreamt again a ridiculous idea.

If I took a picture with my mobile and high end digital print then I can have currency only issue is paper....but coins are coming new with new year marked of the year's or century's events embossed.

I love Sam my love transaction must be on mobile only. 
a). Network to poor. So either on bluetooth base or IR or laser may be.Now a days laser light available only rupees 5.00 in India available.

The ridiculous outline of the process is

IMEI+ Code+Value of money entered say Rs. 17.86 (because 1st July 1986 I first proposed a girl that's why named Anima, I asked Sholey Bollywood Movie dialogue cassette of audio recorder..she didn't given .....huuuuffff bad luck) in my mobile and send to other mobile through Bluetooth,  IR or laser... He can pay me back with image generated like Monalisa induced the same code I have sent as request to him and value. Oh for security his IMEI also added. 

Distance is factor: At least 6 meters distance bluetooth can cover, 

Money Folder: Where from money will come it can recharge with mobile recharge card. Only networkers have to modify there system.

Solve: No issue of burning currency and snatching. 

Grivence: My sister says, if someone snatch my mobile then???? Oh God help me from the grievances of Ladies. Lovin thought is ultimately closed...let me talk to my friends in the telecommunications field.

4. LOVE CHEMISTRY: Its not a chapter in Chemistry but changes your life, may be a chapter of Psychology. Though the chemistry teacher often use to Say “Love Chemistry to Conquer it.”

5. LOVER: One Who never believe on you and use to cut your pocket anyway.

6. LOVE STRING: A terminology--- not going to elaborate you will get bored.
Love the professionals define in their own way:
A Poet: It’s a Gift of Nature. When we come closer, our hand start shivering. We forgot what we wanted to tell each other etc.

A Joker: He added because that time your Hands and Tongue was busy with some other naughty-naughty works.

A Physiologist or A Doctor: Do it but with rest in between.

A Mathematician: You are my equation which I am still deriving. Specially at Night Producing new constants (k= Child) still no Solution.

An Engineer: Funny thing! Less interesting than erecting a tower.

An economist: Love is good, but making love increases the population what to do I am also Doing.

At Last A Scientist: You know Love is something created by the secretion of Hormones basically. when a male species come closer to female species the hormone level increases in their body and due to sudden change in the hormone level an electromagnetic field generated in the body of the species. Those field influence each other and they feel attraction.

Due to this the blood circulation increases in their body and ultimately they start touches each other to neutralize the static electricity generated.

Under favorable situation ( I added where two are alone and nobody to disturb) it just increase till ultimate penetration.

The most interesting comments from scientist’s wife:- “Oh! Oh! That’s why after 10 times meeting you wanted to reject me.

My View:
But Love is something which is always suppressed under economic pressure.
In my opinion, till it last, take the pleasure of it because it just give bitterness afterwards.

Dear…. I love Technology because technology never ends ; It develops everyday every moment with time.

Last one Joke : After implementation of VAT peoples are paying VAT on VAT69 also. Thanks to readers.

Yours loving,



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