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Para Psychology- An Article For Research Fellow

 An Article For Research Fellow on Para Psychology:

Para Psychology- Paranormal Substances- Metaphysical Existence Experiences:: Whether Depends on the Hormone secretion by our nasal gland..


  1. In India most of the Paranormal experiences occur (a general View) just during or after puberty to at the age of 30 years, in between.

  2. What Neuro Science say key terms are Neuron receptacles, Dopamine, Dopamine creation in pancreas.


  1. Marriage: after the life style changes also people become More dependent on GOD concept.

  2. Paranormal Experiences also develop bipolar syndrome is most common.

  3.  Even in the culture of Marriage it is there that we have to obey few rules in daily life- which may have some effect to overcome Parapsychological attack syndrome.


  1. One of the most established method is Yoga.

  2. But procedure is close your onenostril with finger and exhale through other. What happens if Idon't close and try to exhale by controlling my bronchial system through one nostril. That means doing Pranayam without using finger or close nostril by any means.

  3. Where it has guided that Pranayama is helpful for our body Metabolism as it activate different glands inside our body including endocrine system which nothing but a number of glands together.



  1. There is different design of Mask. My observation says Ladies are not comfortable with N95 or the same design mask with or without Vent.

  2. My own experience I can share that When I put on Mask the N95 without vent the room left for air inside the Mask is filled with little heavier substances.

  3. After few hours of using this Mask it seems congested. 

  4. I solemnly notify that the deposition or change in the exhale air inside mask should collected for the Hormone presence in that. 


  1. This particular hormone Secretion from Nasal Gland already a culprit for Love Essence between a couple.

  2. But what I have Experience even when Male & Male, Female & Female become clung Closer without any Love Making then also this particular Hormone Secretion. 


Only after a proper judgement and Laboratory test, we can able to conclude that Para Psychology or Para Normal activity we experience mostly depends on the Hormone secretion through Nasal Gland.

To me hormones are accountable to our Brain for functioning. As we keep account of every loss or gain of Money in our day to day life for livelihood our Brain also keep every loss or gain of Hormones for our survival or existence.

There the Para psychology concept developed in past... otherwise it is a normal functioning of Brain of any creatures around us.

Added on 26 January 2023

What is copulation?

The dictionary says To transfer male reproductive cells from one individual to another, usually into an internal organ or cavity, such as acloaca. Used of animals.

See it's also in short sexual intercourse

To my thinking, when we are in mother's womb our whole body is part of that.

Suppose an anaconda shallow me then also my whole body become part that.

But in sexual intercourse we just insert our one of the limb in a hole meant for reproduction.

That Way we be conjunctive to each other.

Likely, if i am feeling, hearing anything suppose my hand is in conjunction or other than sexual organs any part that is not a sexual intercourse but it is an intercourse other than sexual or reproductive purpose. 

Basically, intercourse and copulation has nearest meaning though widely use for sex related.

Now, if we have experienced bipolar syndrome either getting messages or transforming messages it is nothing but the frequency generated by organs of our body. Other than frequency we can't hear or see or feel as i discussed in Magnetism the last word of ghost. Earlier it was termed as ghostly experience.

Here, if we feel our body penetrate or in conjunctive situation with something not belongs to mine then it is clearly a copulation other reproduction.

And if we get balance within our mind after this course of action then we are paranoid at the same time.

So, i strongly belive that bipolar syndrome or the bipolar trick of nature is paranoid copulation.

And at the same time i pray to my native to refrain from it. In search of this paranoid copulation we did come across sex with animal also...old mythological data may refer.

My next topic anatomical research on schezophrenia is a solution made over this.

However, i forgot to add this part before writing the topic anatomical research on schezophrenia, i thought did add it up but couldn't find else where of topic, therefore, added as link of the subject.

Thanks and Regards….


Today is 8 Dec 2023. Since my writing this article I was searching for this particular behaviour of our brain to act in our life.

Meanwhile I had pancreatic steitosis, it's a long time suffering actually.

There, several times I pointed out the things appear ghostly most of the time just after food taking may be day time or night time.

What I saw we feel sleepy or drowsy. Few go for sleep say 30 minutes, for a period of time.

Because of more blood flow require in stomach, liver intestine, kidney roughly says, in our digestive system activities.

With a growing age, it is normal, and it is normal with the weather also.

All the reason is that, when we feel drowsy and don't go for sleep our brain works with conscious mind then it appears few overlap, because the organ sensible speed and brain activity differs.

It's something we busy with a work in the middle we just at a glance try to understand a different thing.

So, our forefather they teaches us few things in our daily life which is just related.

Say maybe I have experienced with bipolar that our three doors closed.

Mouth, pharynx nearer the esophageal door and the door just end of food pipe that is stomach entrance door. All door we may understand in medical terms but we can say valve.

So, while I am staying alone what ever I listen it's not about my fate or earning, it's only my body activity.

We may understand schezophernia under para psychology of our brain functioning. Problem arise with a misconception of conscious mind activity under shed of unconscious mind activity.

This has told by so many doctors before. I just elaborate it, with my own experience. 

These are normal behaviour we need to learn to live with this.


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