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Gambling and Tourism Development

 Gambling and Tourism

1. Gambling is not at all a good practice where the person who play most of the time and ultimately loss upto bankrupt. This is well explained in our one of the Epic “The Mahabharata”- An Epic of Hindu Mythology.

2. All that has an ill effect in the society must be brought under sustainability so that we can have a better effect of this.

3. With view of above the following points has laid for further discussion and implementation.

4. Timing: Any thing if we hide it gives a pressure and ill effect in our mind thereby, we addict and we forget the time limit and our health. 

A] On this point the first implementation is Gambling Parlor or Casino must open for 24 Hours round the clock.

B] Shift worker will be there.

C] Time will be allotted for each entry. (say 2 hours with 50 coins maximum)

D] Next entry will be after 24 Hours for same individual.

E] Win or loss in any case player has to leave the place within 2 hours only. 

F] Biometrics certified entry or exit.

G] No Age limitation above 18 years. Below 18 years with parents’ entry allowed.

H] I-Tax clearance must be produced. This will be exempt for the Tourists National or international (Holding Tourist Boarding Pass)

J] There will be Tax ducted at source facility.

K] On the exit point there will be one Donation Box which is not a binding if you win or loss.

L] We can’t say good bye to Gambling but we can restrict the ill effect this way.

M] The Earned Money by the Tourists will be expense in that locality it is obvious.

N] This way we can give earning to the youth by employing at the same time show respect to this old profession exist somewhere.

O] when round the clock Casino is open and Time bar will be there then more people are likely to come. So, in this business there will be no loss of bigger amount on both the player and Casino Owner. 

P] May be no tricks required also…which will help us to earn the faith of the player at the same time boost the economy with Tourism.

The Last point outside these Casino gambling will be strictly prohibited and person caught by the Woman Police  (COP) will be sent to Economy Rehabilitation institute.

Lady Police Officer will be employed for this purpose because if the convict dare to hit then under two rules

1. Scrambling with a police officer.

2. Molestation with a Lady

Economy Rehabilitation  Institute means a centre which will judge the cause of Gambling illegally and regular basis.

Whether it is poor economical status or addiction.

In either case the convict will rehabilitate depending on the screening result within 12 hours of catch.


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