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Marriage Masala (Spice) Act

To bring my own baby at present

1.     Bengal satire ordinance-1829, 

(the practice of burning hindu widows alive was declared punishable by the criminal courts. these were followed by other laws against what the british considered to be interrelated issues involving violence against hindu women,)

2.     The hindu widow remarriage act,1856, 

3.     Section 494 and 495 of the Indian Penal Code of 1860, prohibited polygamy for the Christians. 


 ACT No. 4 OF 1869 1 [ 26th February, 1869.]

5.     The prevention of female infanticide act,1870 a legislative act passed in British India, to prevent murder of female infants.

6.     The age of consent act,1891. 

7.     In 1955, the Hindu Marriage Act was drafted, which prohibited marriage of a Hindu whose spouse was still living. 

  This Act may be called The Dowry Prohibition Act, 1961. It extends to the whole of India except the State of Jammu and Kashmir. It shall come into force on such date as the Central Government may, by notification in the official Gazette, appoint. Definition of `dowry'.

8.      As per Hindu Marriage Act 1957, anyone cannot marry second time without divorce. The conditions necessary to recognize marriage as valid are discussed in Section 5 of the Hindu Marriage Act.

Section 506. Punishment for criminal intimidation. Previous Next. Whoever commits the offence of criminal intimidation shall be punished with imprisonment of either description for a term which may extend to two years, or with fine, or with both; If threat be to cause death or grievous hurt, etc.

9.      In 2013, the Supreme Court ruled that women are protected under the PWDV Act, 2005 as live-in relationships fall under Section 2(f) of the law which defines a domestic relationship.

The Court said that under Indian law, a live-in relationship between consenting adults is legal if the requirements of marriage, such as legal age of marriage, consent, and soundness of mind, are met. No rule permits or bans such connections.

10.     On 30 July 2019, the Parliament of India declared the practice of Triple Talaq illegal and unconstitutional and made it a punishable act from 1 August 2019. 

11.     The Prohibition of Child Marriage (Amendment) Bill, 2021, passed by the Lok Sabha last December, sought to amend the Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006, to increase the minimum age of marriage for women from 18 to 21 years.


The above factors do not necessarily mean that we have a sufficient foundation for a social relationship like marriage, which would involve bringing a child into this world and continuing our lineage.


Thats not all,  we  have one more Marriage Act

12.   The Special Marriage Act 1954.

Still seperate marriage act yet required or may be under developed as draft. That is

Disability Marriage Act XXXX


Divyangjan Marriage Act XXXX.

Now, see the ongoing court cases related to this:

#  Dowry Cases

#  Divorce cases

#  rape and molestation cases, 

#  fraud in marriage cases. 

#  Attempted murder or murder through extortion by in-law relatives.


@   Tired

@   Tired

@   Tired.


13.  Marriage Masala Act follows 

Already marriage define as a social contract therefore, 

"In society, those who are economically strong can enter into a lifetime relationship with others as attendants, receiving remuneration and recognizable facilities... This lifetime contract will be framed by a competent authority, supported 100% by government aid, and will include a binding agreement that prevents any breach."

Rather we can pronounce it:

"In society, the economically strong can establish a lifelong attendant relationship with others, providing compensation and benefits... A competent authority will draft this contract, fully backed by government support, and include a non-breachment clause.

Both individuals possess separate social identities, and neither will be held responsible or convicted for any criminal act perpetrated by the other, without any third-party involvement.

From my perspective as a male, I'd like to make it clear that I think this relationship will be mutually beneficial for both genders. Either party, regardless of whether they are male or female, can enter into this relationship if they have a poor economic status.

All other superficial and hypothetical talks have no value in the current societal scenario, then.


Only one thing we loss…

No one sing

tu maike mat jaiyo….mat jaiyo meri jaan.

In lieu…

Perhaps we will sing

Please chhutti mat jaiyo, mat jaiyo vo insaan.

Thanks for laughing.... The Spicy Marriage Tour of Life.

!!! Added on 24 July 2024,

"Ultimately, I envision a society for myself, as shown in the image I posted on my Facebook account on January 26, 2024."

 :Badhan Banerjee PwD OH:

I am registered under PwBD (Persons with Benchmark Disabilities), but let's move forward with PwD and OH; I possibly changed my Facebook display name as far back as 2013.

"Hope for a new society that is closely bonded, peaceful, and harmonious ahead..."


Today, September 15, 2024, I want to talk about Dadhicha Pratha. I don't see anything bad or evil in this system. I hope that one day we will become stronger and more empowering while still following Dadhicha Pratha. We must remember our predecessors who had tough times and established this system to ensure the continuation of human life in their society.

I express a different view in favour of dadhicha pratha. However link of the story already embedded.

Have a nice and strong social bonding ahead.

Badhan Banerjee wishes.....


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